Sustainability: do good well

“Do good well” means that that projects initiated with our help through our initial funding must also endure. We have successfully implemented this requirement of sustainability in our school access programs.

Sustainability as a challenge

The sustainability of development and development projects is the subject of extensive international debate and literature. From the “grassroots” perspective of Fundación Pueblo the question is relatively simple – whether initiatives can endure beyond our initial funding and help.

The requirement of sustainability is not an insignificant goal for an organisation the size of Fundación Pueblo, and its implementation is often tedious. The temptation  is great to take on more solidarity projects, however we feel obligated and committed to the sustainability of our existing projects.

Proven sustainability strategy

Our “Weekly Boarding in Indigenous Families” program which we have been able to initiate thanks to the solidarity of friends and supporters, has proven its sustainability.  After initial years of pure “Assistenzialismus” that were useful and necessary for field testing, we have begun to start new projects of this kind only in those municipalities whose counties from the outset undertake to commit to a progressive assumption of the costs and responsibility for the “Weekly Boarding in Indigenous Families” . This is done in the communities, their grassroots organisations appreciate the project and take advantage of their opportunities for participation at the district level, so that with a gradual takeover of the projects they themselves can strengthen the municiple education policy and the corresponding budget estimates.

Fruits of sustainability

If this approach means that despite existing demand and interest we can not support a few municipalities it is hard for everyone involved – especially for the Fundación Pueblo. On the other hand, it fills us with joy and satisfaction that even years after the end of support from Fundación Pueblo some “Weekly Boarding in Indigenous Families”  projects are still in operation. These achievements allow us to use donations to spread the model into other counties and to send solidarity to our friends in an ever growing circle of need.

In other programs of the Foundation, such as vocational training and civics, sustainability beyond  the support of our friends and supporters also remains a challenge, which we continue to work with confidence to achieve.

Fundación Pueblo 2025, La Paz.
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