As a non-denominational and politically independent foundation, the Fundación Pueblo is committed to the development objectives agreed upon by the international community as the “Millennium Development Goals” (MDG) and “sustainable development goals” (SDG).
Different perspectives of “development”
What is “development”, in which direction it should go? It is question which splits opinions. Some think of economic development , others of psychosocial Development (“happiness index”), some Latin America-interested think of the Andean mindset (“The Good Life – vivir bien”). Whatever belief or ideology influences the respective approach.
As a non-denominational and politically independent foundation, we are committed to the development objectives that the international community has adopted by 189 Member States in September 2000 in a catalog of fundamental, mandatory targets for all Member States of the United Nations: The “Millennium Development Goals“.
Three priority “MDGs”
The actual work of the Fundación Pueblo aims at achieving the first three Millennium Development Goals (MDG):
- Eradicate extreme poverty by achieving full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people.
- Primary education for all, so that girls as well as boys can complete a full course of primary schooling.
- Eliminate gender disparity and empower women, in particular eliminate the gender disparity in primary and secondary education.
Those – as in rural areas of Bolivia – who have not yet reached the 2015 MDGs are included in the new “sustainable development goals” (SDGs) with a view to 2030, which was adopted in September 2015 by the UN General Assembly. These goals will be of great importance for the work of Fundación Pueblo in the coming years.