
In the early years of the Fundación Pueblo the programs and projects of the Foundation focused on our home county Yanacachi in the Yungas valleys of the department of La Paz, in a wide range of rural development activities. Here the first successes – and disappointments – were experienced, and the orientation of the Foundation’s work today was set on its path.

In the meantime the Foundation’s access to education and civic information is nationwide in Boliva. Our current programs and projects can be found in the departments of La Paz, Potosí and Tarija. Our public relations and consulting work for school access and local economic development find a nationwide echo that goes sometimes even beyond. This is demonstrated by invitations to neighbouring countries to share experiences from our award-winning access to schools program with interested groups and organisations in other Latin American countries.

With the “Weekly Boarding in Indigenous Families" program we give particularly disadvantaged children in the country access to a complete basic education and at the same time create socially respected employment for rural indigenous women in poor regions.

In "House of the Future" the Fundación Pueblo gives girls and young women from the countryside the opportunity to obtain a solid vocational training. This breaks the cycle of poverty, even if the women want to migrate to the city.

With a stand-alone project for the advancement of women migrants from the countryside, the "House of the Future" of the Fundación Pueblo in El Alto transforms itself from ...

Civil society in Bolivia has significant opportunities for participation at the local level. To be able to use it better, our civics project gives citizens and grassroots organizations access to important local politics information.

The introduction of the “Weekly Boarding in Indigenous Families" is often a good starting point to introduce to local families measures for community development. Food security and improving housing conditions are obvious priorities.

Fundación Pueblo 2025, La Paz.
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