Online drawing contest for students in Yanacachi

Sunday May 31st, 2020

Children and adolescents in Bolivia are not going to school for more than 2 months. In rural areas, like Yanacachi, there is no online instruction either.

At the same time, disinformation about the Corona Virus is high within the Bolivian population. This creates increasing uncertainty. The Governments are responsible for many measures related to the Corona Virus pandemic, but everyone can do something to slow down the spread of the virus and protect themselves and others. To make known among the population, in the municipality of Yanacachi, the importance of washing hands, coughing properly and maintaining a social distance; Our team from the “Public Access” project launched the drawing contest “Our Students Help to Stop the Spread of the Corona Virus” in May.

The children and young people should deal creatively with the measures and send pictures of their artworks to our team via Whatsapp. The best submissions will be awarded and all will be given an individual mention.

Archive images of the student competition last year on the subject of “waste disposal”.



Fundación Pueblo 2025, La Paz.
All content is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0.