New project in the “Weekly Boarding in Indigenous Families”
Thursday January 31st, 2019
As we have mentioned in our April edition, our school and Municipal access specialist, David, has had intense conversations, over the last few months, with different regions to identify opportunities for Family Student Lodging cooperation. What a better way to start January then with a new project. The municipality of Tentaguazu in Entre Rios during the last years has established and managed a self-employed project very similar to our “Family Student Lodging”. However, the continuity of the project is at a high risk. Host mothers’ homes are in poor condition, especially with a lack of adequate sanitary facilities and non-plastered rooms which allow insect nests; furthermore, the cost of living has increased considerably. The current allocation of expenditure by the municipal government offers little incentives for host mothers. The goal for our new project is to enable 20 host mothers’ homes with better living and sanitary conditions. The construction procedures are designed to provide host mothers with the financial recognition for their inter-communal solidarity work, improve children’s health and to ensure the continuation of the student lodging.
The most recent news from our projects:
Heading out to the street markets!
Strengthening human rights defenders in the fight against illegal mining
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Helping with water supply in Tentaguazu
Women's Project Concludes Successful Semester
Total number of news: 136