Annual General Meeting in Yanacachi
Friday June 26th, 2015
On the weekend of the 13th and 14th of June the Fundación Pueblo held the 24th Annual Meeting its founding base of Yanacachi where the activities of the past year were presented. In addition to the entire team of the Foundation also attending were the meeting partners from La Paz as well as numerous citizens Yanacachis. This year elections were in the program. Don Reynaldo Uria was thereby confirmed in his position as a board member and Yanacachi’s representative for a further two years with the majority of 39 votes. The event ended with appropriate celebrating and dance in the village square. With new visions, a lot of dedication and a good cooperating team, we look forward to the future!
The most recent news from our projects:
Heading out to the street markets!
Strengthening human rights defenders in the fight against illegal mining
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Helping with water supply in Tentaguazu
Total number of news: 137