Same place, same date – a quarter of a century later

Wednesday February 24th, 2016

“Liberty Plaza” in Yanacachi: Here, in the heart of the Bolivian Andes, The Village Foundation was born on February 18th 1991. At the same place, exactly a quarter of a century later, the Yanacachi County Council has called upon Fundación Pueblo to receive a public award for its 25 years of community service. Joint projects are recalled and new ones are envisaged. Meanwhile, The Village Foundation has expanded its work intoDepartments as far away as Potosí and Tarija. “But we are proud to maintain our headquarters in the countryside – in one of the most beautiful villages of Bolivia.”

Antenne neu Paul-160218
Old men dominate the speeches on this day, while action is assured by the young: A former intern of 160127-NuevaCajitaFundación Pueblo has organized our first internet-based “crowd funding”. In time for the anniversary, the proceeds are used to install new radio equipment in Yanacachi, connecting the Community Office in Yanacachi with the headquarters of “Radio Yungas” in the provincial capital of Chulumani. Young volunteers are also there to lend a helping hand at installing the new roof antenna.

Your donations for all other projects by The Village Foudation are also only one click away now:


Speach from the President of the city council Eliseo Quispe



Fundación Pueblo 2025, La Paz.
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