Joint review of the last six months in Copacabana and Tentaguazu
Saturday July 31st, 2021

In July, participatory evaluations of the last semester took place in our two boarding houses in Tentaguazu and Copababana. On the one hand, we met with the community authorities and teachers in Tentaguazu. On the other hand, the scholarship holders and host mothers had the opportunity to express their opinions about the course of the project in both boarding houses. In total, more than 140 people took part in the five events. To protect against contagion, parts of the evaluations were held outdoors.
Participatory evaluations are an important part of all Fundación Pueblo projects. All project participants are given the opportunity to actively shape the project and adapt it to their needs. In this way, we can constantly improve our work.
The most recent news from our projects:
Heading out to the street markets!
Strengthening human rights defenders in the fight against illegal mining
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Helping with water supply in Tentaguazu
Total number of news: 137