Workshops for young migrant women in El Alto

Friday May 29th, 2015

(Español) Con mucha habilidad y destreza

(Español) Con mucha habilidad y destreza

The month of May was all about feminism and women’s rights movements in the “House of the Future”. Under the program “Strengthening young women migrants in El Alto” many women participated in three seminars. In two of the seminars topics such as sexuality, body care, dealing with violence in the family environment as well as human rights were addressed – participants  discussed, worked on and worked out issues. In the third course the young women were introduced to the theory and practice of plumbing to improve not only their technical skills, but to give them independence and self-confidence in this still very male-dominated domain. The workshops were a great enrichment for the participating girls and for the Fundación Pueblo, who could take another step towards equal rights in Bolivia.



Fundación Pueblo 2025, La Paz.
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