The sixth year of Boarding School in Indigenous Families in Copacabana
Thursday March 31st, 2022

Already at the beginning of the school year in February, we were very pleased to sign another agreement with the Yunchará municipality. This year, 12 younger pupils from remote farming communities will be able to attend the Copacabana middle school in host families as part of the Boarding School in Indigenous Families. In the meantime, the school is in full swing and the children have settled in well with their host mothers.

Three scholarship holders having dinner together with their host mother.

Group photo of the scholarship holders with their local coordinator.
The most recent news from our projects:
Heading out to the street markets!
Strengthening human rights defenders in the fight against illegal mining
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Helping with water supply in Tentaguazu
Total number of news: 137