Category Archives: Press coverage


Report of the Bolivian newspaper "El Alto es Noticia" on the closing ceremony of the first semester of 2019 of the project "Promoting women with vocational training for women migrants in El Alto" (El Alto, Bolivia), July 9, 2019. 190709-AlcaldesaEntregaCertificadosaMujeres-ElAltoEsNoticia


Publication on Facebook about the equipping of two classrooms of the school "José Ballivián"  in the municipality of Yunchará  in Tarija with the support of the funds for Microprojects 2018, from the Federal Foreign Office of Germany (La Paz, Bolivia), 1st March 2018. Embajada


German newspaper article about the donation of the one-world-group from Werth for our project "Weekly Boarding School in Indigenous Families" (Isselburg-Werth, Germany), 14th February 2019. 190214-1000EurofuerBolivien


Spanish Newspaper El País imforms about the Weekly Boarding School in Colquechaca (La Paz, Bolivia), 3rd November 2018. 181103-14AniosHospedajeEstudiantilColquechaca-ElPais


The newspaper El País informs about our Weekly Boardings School in Indigenous Families (La Paz, Bolivia), 21st August 2018. 180821-Embajada alemana ratifica apoyo al Hospedaje Estudiantil en Familia en Yunchara-(ElPais-Tarija)  


Press release of the El Alto district about the on-the-job trainig of female entrepreneur in our project "Promotion of women migrants" (El Alto, Bolivia), 28th May 2018. 180528-Municipio de El Alto capacito a 150 mujeres en colaboracion


Press release of the El Alto district about the sign of a contract about the promotion of women within our peoject "Promotion of Migrant Women" (El Alto, Bolivia), 22nd May 2018.  180522-Acuerdo Institucional GAMEA-FP-FacebookGAMA


The spanish speaking newspaper El País reports on our program "Weekly Boarding in Indigenous Families" in Copacabana, Tarija, 20th September 2017. 170920-HospedajeEstudiantilYunchara+Colquechaca-ElPais-online


A report of the Bolivian news agency Noticias Fines about the distinction of our project “Weekly Boarding in Indigenous Families” by Consubsido (La Paz, Bolivia), 10th December 2016. 161210-ProgramaAccesoescolarYuncharaPremiadoEnColombia-FIDES


The bolivian newspaper Noticias Fides published a report about our vocation training and specifically about the driving lessons. They also interviewed some of our participants. PDF:


A report of the Bolivian newspaper El Diario about the distinction of The Village Foundation with the medal “Franz Tamayo” (La Paz, Bolivia), 13th October 2016. 161013-SenadoOtorgaMedallaFranzTamayo a FundacionPueblo-ElDiario

Fundación Pueblo 2025, La Paz.
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