Category Archives: Project news


Most of the time we pay lots of attention to the scholars of our program Student Boarding School in Copacabana. However, our host moms do have at least the same importance as their protégés. Without their willingness to offer their time, we would not be able to realize our project. Neverthemind they benefit as well in various ways. Since with beginning of the new school year the number of scholars


The student boarding school in Copacabana is again up and running after clases started the beginning of February. The great success of our program in the last year was recognized within the entire district, thus, almost doubling the demand of scholarships from 30 to 50. Fortunately, we could also find more interested women in being host mums which allowed us to increase our capacity correspondingly.


On the road from La Paz to the district of our foundation, Yanacachi, there are still a lot of landslides and grave accidents despite of intense construction works. This January the street was not not even passable due to heavy rains. That is why locals had to accept long detours in order to get to La Paz. Thanks to extensive research of our program for the access to civic information the citizens


December was the Student Lodging month. At the end of the 2016 school year, we evaluated the project together scholars, parents, host families and teachers. The event was accompanied with a varied program by our scholars that included words, dances and plays. The evaluation was a great success: The appreciation was very positive and all the participants felt benefited with the project. The analysis


This November the participating mothers of the technical training had to show what they learned at the fair organized by the Autonomous Municipal Government of El Alto. All courses attended; among them the elaboration of Glazed Chocolates and Fruits; tailors showing their vests and sweaters; driving educational students explained traffic rules and regulations, and the participants with the most benefits


Early October, we inaugurated a Daycare Center at our Future House. We offer to take care of the technical training student’s children. In honor of this occasion, representatives of El Alto Municipality as well as mothers were invited to view the daycare, refreshments were served at this sociable atmosphere. Our new offer was highly praised by the participants and apprentices were very thankful for


Village Foundation receives one or two volunteers from Germany every year. Since the beginning of August, we have been supported enthusiastically by Luisa who puts a great effort into our project “Empowering Migrant Women”. Luisa is originally from Münster in northwestern Germany, the 18 year-old


After several months of preparation, we were able to officially inaugurate the new Student lodging in Tarija this month of August. More than 30 children of neighboring communities of the arid highlands of the Department of Tarija have found host community mothers in Copacabana; to home, feed and take care of them during the school week days. This is a way to dramatically reduces the risk of forsake


We met an overwhelming demand this months, when our “House of the Future” reopened for its 2016 vocational training program: During the first days already, more than a hundred women registered for the courses aiming at working women and those looking to open a micro-enterprise. 8 of the 12 courses programmed this year are already up and running:  Tailoring winter garments, manicure, chocolate


June was a month of intense advocacy meetings and organizing Student Housing with people in the community of Copacabana - Tarija, the project will begin after winter vacation. Earlier, in May, after difficult negotiations because of fiscal crisis faced by the municipalities of Bolivia, the interagency cooperation agreement with Yunchará was signed to implement Student Housing in the community.  This


Donations of our friends are being been put to work in Northern Potosí, where the local county government has assumed full financial and administrative responsibility of the project in Uyuni and Capunita, run by Fundación Pueblo until 2016. 100% of running costs have been incorporated in the county’s 2016 budget. In an effort to maintain quality of service, Fundación Pueblo maintains presence


A particularly spectacular fundraiser took place at this years Oltiger-Määrt. Tobias Martin and Florence Brenzikofer, former volunteers for Fundación Pueblo, delighted both young and old with their homemade wooden Ferris wheel. The voluntary contributions of the Ferris wheel riders directly benefited the “weekly boarding with host families” program. During their volunteering time in northern

Fundación Pueblo 2025, La Paz.
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