Category Archives: Project news


Mother's Day was celebrated in Bolivia on May 27. On the occasion of this special day, the cosmetics course of our project "Violence against Women in the Migrant City of El Alto" got involved in a home for the elderly. In addition to offers to strengthen the personality, the women had learned a lot about facial care, makeup and customer contact as part of the professional training in this course in


Every year, 12 April is a special day for the children in Bolivia. On this day, the Day of the Child is celebrated. Also in our projects, this special day was celebrated extensively with games, cake, dances and a lot of exuberance. [caption id="attachment_2455" align="alignleft" width="300"] Traditional dances rehearsed by the children were performed at the boarding school in Tentaguazu.[/caption] [caption


Already at the beginning of the school year in February, we were very pleased to sign another agreement with the Yunchará municipality. This year, 12 younger pupils from remote farming communities will be able to attend the Copacabana middle school in host families as part of the Boarding School in Indigenous Families. In the meantime, the school is in full swing and the children have settled in well


Actually, the month of February would have been a reason for joy. After a long period of preparation, we were able to start a new year of boarding school in a indigenous family in Tentaguazu, where 48 scholarship holders were already being cared for by 18 host mothers at the beginning of the school year. However, the return of the children to the classroom in the Guaraní communities in the Entre Ríos


In October, we launched our new project "Violence against Women in the Migrant City of El Alto" in response to the alarming increase in violence against women in Bolivia during the Corona pandemic. The project enjoyed great interest among the women in El Alto when it was enrolled. The pictures give some impressions of what the participants in the "Empowerment" component, in which they attend vocational


In December, the Bolivian students are not only looking forward to Christmas, but also to the upcoming long summer holidays, which stretch from mid-December to the beginning of February. In our Boarding Schools in Indigenous Families, this means that a year is coming to an end and we take another look back with everyone involved to work out together what went well and what can be improved next year.


At the beginning of autumn, Germany was affected by the fourth Covid-19 wave. In this context, vaccinations are currently a highly discussed topic in society. But what is the situation actually like in Bolivia? In Bolivia, the vaccination campaign began in February 2021, with Sinopharm and Sputnik V being the main vaccines, but also Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca and BioNtech. So far, around


In October, the time had finally come - after long preparations, our new project "Violence against Women in the Migrant City of El Alto: Prevention, Mitigation and Empowerment" could finally begin. The project is a further development of the tecnical training courses we have been offering in El Alto for many years. However, with the newly designed project, we are responding to the alarming increase


In September, we had two reasons to celebrate. In Tentaguazu, after months of work, the new kitchens of the host families of the boarding school in indgenous families were inaugurated. Together with the district administration of Entre Ríos, we had provided the host families with the necessary materials. Under the guidance of an architect and a technician, the families were then able to build the


In August, we organised two exciting workshops in our home county of Yanacachi at the request of civil society and the newly elected county government, whose election we had supported with impartial citizen education earlier this year. The aim of both workshops was to promote democratic scrutiny of elected representatives and to increase the transparency of political decision-making at community level. One


In July, participatory evaluations of the last semester took place in our two boarding houses in Tentaguazu and Copababana. On the one hand, we met with the community authorities and teachers in Tentaguazu. On the other hand, the scholarship holders and host mothers had the opportunity to express their opinions about the course of the project in both boarding houses. In total, more than 140 people


In June, the first continuing education semester for the women in El Alto was coming to an end. On this occasion, we would like to give you another insight into a special course. In addition to making cakes or traditional skirts, the women were also able to learn how to build their own urban garden during this semester. We offered the course in cooperation with the Faculty of Agronomy of the University

Fundación Pueblo 2024, La Paz.
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