Category Archives: Project news


International interns and volunteers are an enrichment for Fundación Pueblo and provide important impulses for our work. They support the daily work in one of our programs and, depending on their interest, can also carry out their own small projects. In doing so, they gain an intensive insight into our work and Bolivian society.

In the last weeks intern Charlotte from Germany worked


Children's Day is celebrated in many countries, but on different days. The purpose of this day is to draw attention to the special needs of children and their protection and rights. In Bolivia, this special day is celebrated every year on April 12 with events for children throughout the country - and this year was no exception in our Weekly Boarding Schools in Indigenous Families:



Social media, such as TikTok and Instragram, are also highly popular among young people in our home municipality of Yanacachi. But how does this development affect rural radio stations, which have been providing people in remote regions of Bolivia with independent information for decades and play an important role in upholding the right to freedom of expression? We explored this question in March


After months of hard work, the completely overhauled drinking water system "Napichan" in the lowlands of Tarija was inaugurated this month. It supplies both the central community of Tentaguazu, whose women we have been supporting for several years with the Boarding School in Indigenous Families, and the four surrounding Guaraní villages of Casa de Piedra, Arenal, Yumbia and Ivopeity in the district


On January 24, Alacitas was celebrated in the region of La Paz, including our home community of Yanacachi. The festivity has its origins in the Aymara culture. Miniature objects, such as houses, university degrees or cars, are offered for sale. They symbolize the wishes and resolutions for this new year. For example, if you wish a trip to the other person, you buy a mini passport, have it blessed


We were able to close the year 2022 together at Fundación Pueblo with gratifying results: Over the year, 245 women from El Alto received intensive professional psychological and legal counseling. Most of the women had experienced violence or were acutely threatened by it. The counseling was intended to enable them to develop strategies for dealing with their experiences and/or to enable them


Orientation and reflection were the focus of the young people in Yanacachi in November. At the request of parents due to the high number of teenage pregnancies, we organized a course on sex education and family planning in cooperation with the local health post. The teenagers were interested in learning about different contraceptive methods.

In addition, we organized a workshop for the


Unfortunately, plastic waste also reaches the dry Chaco in the south of Bolivia. In September, the pupils from Tentaguazu therefore flocked out to collect the plastic waste that had accumulated around the village. This initiative was initiated by the teachers of the middle school in order to sensitise the children and young people to the problem of waste. We, the Fundación Pueblo, donated an extra


Transparency and participation are the principles of the Fundación Pueblo, which are reflected in our annual public meetings. For this purpose, program leaders from all parts of the country where we are active travel to our "birthplace" Yanacachi in the Yunags of La Paz, as they did this year on September 10. Special guests this time were representatives of the Municipality of El Alto, who collaborate


In August, the children and young people as well as the host mothers of the boarding house in Tentaguazu were very happy. We were able to hand over the first set of multi-purpose furniture, which was specially designed for the students' modest guest rooms. They should enable the children and young people to store their personal belongings and clothes neatly during their stay with the host mothers,


In July, the final fair of the technical training courses of the project "Violence against Women in the Migrant City of El Alto: Prevention, Mitigation and Empowerment" took place in cooperation with the Municipality of El Alto. In total, participants from 12 different courses presented in fashion shows and at booths what they have learned in the last months. The fair was a great opportunity for


The school year in Bolivia begins in February. The month of June is therefore the halfway point of the school year. While the students are looking forward to their well-deserved vacations, it was high time for our two boarding schools in Copacabana and Tentaguazu to look back on the last half year together with the scholarship holders, their parents, the host mothers and the local politicians. In different

Fundación Pueblo 2024, La Paz.
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