Category Archives: Project news


The month of May was all about feminism and women’s rights movements in the "House of the Future”. Under the program "Strengthening young women migrants in El Alto" many women participated in three seminars. In two of the seminars topics such as sexuality, body care, dealing with violence in the family environment as well as human rights were addressed - participants  discussed,


Two of the “Weekly Boarding in Indigenous Families" programs in the north of Potosí will be operated on behalf of the district office by the Fundación Pueblo. In Uyuni 42 children (33 boys and 9 girls) were enrolled at the beginning of the school year; and in Capunita 25 children (15 girls and 10 boys) were taken on by the program to live with host indigenous families during school


The final year students of Jorge Zalles school in La Chojlla saw their school hall transformed into a seminar for young leaders. With the help of experts from the organisation "Wayna Hilana Yanapana" (Education for Integration), who shaped the design and contents of the seminar, the young people could strengthen their self-confidence  and  learn important skills such as team spirit


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Fundación Pueblo 2024, La Paz.
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