Author Archives: franziskastahl


Our 2016 Program for “Public Access” in Yanacachi kicked off with a workshop on proper usage of new social media such as Facebook. Camila and Mariano, professional communicators initiators of "Travel Trajectories", switched a couples of days of their Native Argentina for tropical heat in Yanacachi, to teach Felix Ernesto Moscoso’s young school students that the new media allows them to share


This year, the Equal Gender Direction of El Alto joins forces with Village Foundation, to offer technical training to women supporting their families with their small businesses in El Alto. The cooperation is based on joint activities developed under the project "Migrant Women Entrepreneurship” in 2015, and Access Program to Technical Training of Village Foundation. On March 17th the bilateral


“Liberty Plaza” in Yanacachi: Here, in the heart of the Bolivian Andes, The Village Foundation was born on February 18th 1991. At the same place, exactly a quarter of a century later, the Yanacachi County Council has called upon Fundación Pueblo to receive a public award for its 25 years of community service. Joint projects are recalled and new ones are envisaged. Meanwhile, The Village Foundation


Every 24th of January we celebrate in the Bolivia -still- the poorest country in South America, The Abundance Day. The "Ekkeko is celebrated on streets and squares, you will find everything you desire to have during the year in miniature. The most popular shopped are houses, cars and bills from the most important currencies. For 15 cents, you can buy a Bachelor degree or an imposing hen or cock for


"Plus" school students of Kandel City took advantage of Palatina, Germany Christmas Fair to inform, together with dedicated social teachers about a Bolivian project, Family Student Lodging, and raised funds for their Bolivian peers. Despite of the nasty weather, they sold pastries, waffles and homemade eggnog for almost six hundred dollars that were donated to this Bolivian project. On a previous


On November 12 we organized a trip for hosts and local coordinators of Norte de Potosi Student Family Lodging to San Luis (Tarija) to exchange their experiences between their student lodgings.  Hosts took the opportunity to discuss on how their student family lodging  is working out for each community. Norte


In October the Village Foundation organised and workshops about sexuality and contraception in Yanacachi, a community in the Yungas of Bolivia. In cooperation with the local authorities and the professional help of "Centre of science and public services" (CIES) the Village Foundation could offer specialized classes on these topics to the 2 senior clases of 3 local high-schools. Thanks to the confidential


Thanks to the cooperation between the Village Foundation and a programm of the German Association for International Cooperation (GIZ), 16 hostmums, from the program "Virtual Boarding School" situated in Uyuni,  can now count with new energie-efficient stoves. The advantages are that you clearly need less firewood, the high temperatures are better preserved and longer available, the toxic smoke doesn't

Fundación Pueblo 2025, La Paz.
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