News from our projects

There is always a lot to report from our work. We regularly give a glimpse into the everyday life of our projects. “Photo-Chaski” is a short description of our current work in a page of words and pictures.  If you would like to subscribe please email us.


In July, 200 women celebrated the successful completion of the semester of our program "Technical Training for Migrant Women in El Alto". The mayor of El Alto personally handed over the certificates of the course to the female participants. During the past five months, the women attended classes in which they learned to repair cell phones or paint walls, for example. In this way we want to enable the ...


In June, our team in Tarija once again set out on the long way from the town of Tarija to the countryside, where the Guaraní village of Tentaguazu is located in the dry and hot Chaco region. There, since the beginning of the year, we have been improving the living conditions of the host mothers and their protégés by building bathrooms and plastering walls. Together with the mayor we visited the ...


Where does our garbage go? How is it discarded? Who is responsible? Urgent questions that arise again and again in the Municipality of Yanacachi. In the main communities and its surroundings you can see many unofficial garbage containers. The increasing consumption of products in plastic packaging has aggravated the problem in recent years. That is why our program „Public Access“ has decided ...


Breaking down gender stereotypes and daring new things - in April we would like to report two special courses in our vocational training program for migrant women in El Alto: The construction boom in El Alto and La Paz is currently in great demand for qualified personnel in this field. Women are hardly represented in this professional field in Bolivia, many do not dare to work in such a "male domain". ...


Being financially independent, improving their skills, creating a micro-enterprise or gaining greater self-confidence, are some common goals shared by women who have started this March their technical training in our project "Migrant Women" in El Alto. In preparation for this new semester and with the cooperation of the Mayor’s office, we modified the courses offered, to the economy situation of ...


New classrooms, with the ability to fill them with students. But, without enough tables and chairs so that everyone can sit down and learn comfortably? Children in Copacabana know this situation very well. With the support of the German embassy, we were able to equip José Ballivian School with furniture, just in time for the new school year. Two reinforcement course classrooms were equipped with 40 ...


As we have mentioned in our April edition, our school and Municipal access specialist, David, has had intense conversations, over the last few months, with different regions to identify opportunities for Family Student Lodging cooperation. What a better way to start January then with a new project. The municipality of Tentaguazu in Entre Rios during the last years has established and managed a self-employed ...


In mid-December, we celebrated the completion of the second semester of technical training courses for migrant women in El Alto. In a festive ceremony, the approximately 350 participants received their certificates. As a special highlight of the event, the women of the various clothing and knitting classes organized a public fashion show during which they showed off the self-produced clothes.


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In August, our El Alto Future House was filled again with many new faces. The "Technical Training for Migrant Women" program began a new semester with a solemn reception. Representatives from the Mayor’s office and our team gave a big welcome to the more than 300 registered women, who are able to choose between 15 different courses. Also, August had prepared a special learning offer for our Family ...

Fundación Pueblo 2024, La Paz.
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