Thank you for your help
Friday December 20th, 2024

Looking back on 2024, we are filled with gratitude for all the support we received from our friends and sponsors in so many different ways in the past year. There were spectacular campaigns such as the wll-received appeals to send gifts to the Fundación in the form of donation s for a milestone birthday or silver wedding anniversary, the charity bazaars around Advent and Christmas with lots of personal commitment, but also the quiet transfers to our circl e of friends or the quick pressing of the PayPal button. And that’s not al1: Some good advice, making contact with other friends and visiting our projects here on site have also strengthened our backs, knowing.: Even in these difficult times, solidarity lives on beyond continents.
We say thank you for all this and wish us all peacsful holidays and a happy 2025.

The most recent news from our projects:
Heading out to the street markets!
Strengthening human rights defenders in the fight against illegal mining
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Helping with water supply in Tentaguazu
Total number of news: 137