Monthly Archives: May, 2018


In our community of origin, Yanacachi, you could not think of work this month. Everyone was busy with the preparation and the patronal feast in honor of "Señor del Pichu". After mass, held at the "Santa Barbara" Parish, a long procession took a walk around the town, accompanied by folk dance groups and curious people. These past months several areas of our Future House in El Alto were remodeled.


Press release of the El Alto district about the on-the-job trainig of female entrepreneur in our project "Promotion of women migrants" (El Alto, Bolivia), 28th May 2018. 180528-Municipio de El Alto capacito a 150 mujeres en colaboracion


Press release of the El Alto district about the sign of a contract about the promotion of women within our peoject "Promotion of Migrant Women" (El Alto, Bolivia), 22nd May 2018.  180522-Acuerdo Institucional GAMEA-FP-FacebookGAMA

Fundación Pueblo 2025, La Paz.
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