Monthly Archives: June, 2015


On the weekend of the 13th and 14th of June the Fundación Pueblo held the 24th Annual Meeting its founding base of Yanacachi where the activities of the past year were presented. In addition to the entire team of the Foundation also attending were the meeting partners from La Paz as well as numerous citizens Yanacachis. This year elections were in the program. Don Reynaldo Uria was thereby


With the inauguration of the “Weekly Boarding in Indigenous Families" program in the remote village of San Luis de Palqui on 9 June, the Fundación Pueblo could for the first time its 24-year history set foot in the southern department of Tarija in Bolivia. This pilot project will allow 20 children of the county Office Yunchará access to education. The local coordinator Nancy Erazo


Die Zeitung Heimat-Echo Werth berichtet in der Ausgabe über die Verleihung des Bundesverdienstkreuzes an die Mitbegründerin der Dorfstiftung, Barbara Heiss. Sie nahm dies zum Anlass, die ökumenische Eine-Welt-Gruppe in Werth über die Arbeit der Fundación Pueblo zu informieren und für diese wichtigen Unterstützer der Stiftungsarbeit Rede und Antwort zu stehen.

Fundación Pueblo 2025, La Paz.
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