Fundación Pueblo (The Village Foundation) is a charity recognised under Bolivian law. We have been working for more than 20 years with and for the most disadvantaged sections of the population in Bolivia. Children and indigenous women in rural areas are the focus of our programs and projects. The Foundation works in the Yungas of La Paz, Potosí, Tarija and in El Alto.
Fundación Pueblo campaigns for human rights and equal opportunities with projects at the community level. Our work has also found wide recognition beyond Bolivia. The current focus of our work is to provide access to basic education, technical education and civic information. Founders, employees, friends and supporters of the Foundation combine their social commitment with the aspiration to ensure the sustainability of programs and projects beyond our initial funding. Country and cross-cultural solidarity are the means and objectives of our work.
From Access to Scholing towards Rural Water Supply
To enable children from remote rural villages to finish their basic scooling, and to reward guest mothers at the central village for their social engagement: These are the inmediate objectives of our flagship programm “Weekly Boarding in Indigenous Families”. Quite frequently, however, the relationship of trust the program cultivates among all parties involved gives rise to further reaching projects of community development. A good example: The rural water supply for five Guaraní communities the the Chaco lowlands of Bolivia.